Let’s face it, we are wired to “GTD” – or “Get Things Done,” so much so that it’s a movement!
I confess that I was very excitedly a part of this movement, and while I do agree there are many benefits to the GTD way of operating, I now much prefer allowing and owning my own “system.”
OWNING it is a big deal and not easy to do. Let me explain.
When you’re a part of a team, company or culture that thrives on “beating the clock” and maximizing each second of the day, you’re actually trying to cheat the system that is NATURE!
When you really allow yourself to observe nature, however, you can see that all things take time, and there is no specific definition of what “time” means, except for the natural rhythm of the seasons. Things are born, nurtured, grow, reach their peak, wind down, and then die. Then the cycle begins again. For some “creatures” of nature, the entire cycle can happen in a few hours, and for others, 100 years!
So, why would we want to try to trick or beat nature instead of allowing it (and our natural instincts, intuition and talents) to guide us as to the proper cycle of doing and achieving moment-to-moment?
Living and working in this way also tends to drain the joy of doing things with intention, not worrying so much about when it gets done, but how it feels to do it.
It’s not our fault, really. We were built to be driven and to win, and it takes a bit of awareness, learning about our unique nature, some un-doing and less self-judgment in order to feel better about what we spend our time doing and what it means to us (not just a check on a to-do list!).
With Human Design (I’m a Manifesting Generator!) I’ve come to learn so much about my nature and the best way for me to GTD and flow.
SIDE NOTE…if you don’t know what Human Design is, read my closing note, below. “-)
One of my “not-self themes” is being in a hurry to get things done so I can be stress free.
Please read that again to see how illogical this unconscious pattern is, and yet SO MANY OF US operate in this way!
Let’s break this down…
I want to be free of stress, so I will HURRY AND STRESS MYSELF OUT TO GTD so that I can get to this “stress free” zone???!!! Pure insanity. I did this for so long!
In my experience, though, what happens in the process of “being in a hurry” is that we pile as much as we can into a space of time, and unconsciously speed through it, which actually stresses us out more and exhausts us as well.
This cycle becomes addictive and leads to doing for the sake of doing, especially when we are celebrated and incentivized for it. As we try to get rid of things do do (check them off our list) we just add on new check list items and new pressures.
Been there? (I’m raising my hand!)This cycle is serious and can lead to Adrenal and Chronic Fatigue, and many other stress-induced disorders. It also leads to a sense of feeling lost and without purpose, no matter your age or experience.
How I’ve learned to deal with my “not-self theme” is to honor my Authority and Strategy (terms we use in Human Design, and the key to navigating your life with joyful flow). Part of this is recognizing that I’m a “MPP, or multi-passionate person.” This is not a label, this is a gift! We all have gifts that we are here to use. Not only will we benefit from our using our gifts, but the world will!
Honoring my Authority and Strategy Daily looks like:
- Waiting to be excited AND HAVE THE ENERGY to do something specific (like write this!). If I forced myself to “be inspired” on a specific day and time, the work may never start or get done. Instead, I wait for the “impulse” to work on a specific task and slay it! MPP’s have MANY ideas and inspirations, but the key is to create the space for the impulse to make the magic happen. From an energetic (and happiness!) perspective this has changed my life! And, I still get a lot done that I’m thrilled about.
- Slowing Way Down and recognizing when I’m “hurrying up just to GTD”. Catching myself when I’m in this downward spiral and stoping myself from going back into that UN-NATURAL pattern is a daily act of consciousness and a muscle that I’m always working. I take time for mindful breaks, like getting fresh air or walking the dog, or just breathing deeply for 5 minutes. We have to insert these “wellness pauses” in order to break the cycle.
- Responding instead of taking constant action. This is one of the hardest things for Manifesting Generators to do! The old way of “working successfully” has taught us that we must always be in action and in control. But, when we wait for something to respond to (feel our impulse say “yes” or “no”) and then take action, we are not only managing our time and joy (by doing the above), but also creating lots of yummy space for the Universe to also invite us to play (outside of our structured GTD list).
Yes, I have lists of things I’D LIKE TO DO (I’m still human!), but I’m very aware that it’s my MIND telling me what I think I should do. MY FLOW that I’ve designed now comes from my heart, gut, and in co-creation with nature. Sometimes those things on my GTD list will get done and sometimes never will! I don’t judge. I listen to how I feel.
What does get done is what was supposed to get done, and the results have been joyful and expansive. 🙂 In fact, I’m now in the habit of writing down when I get invited or called into a task that was never on my list, but has changed the trajectory of my journey in such a pleasant way! I have created the space for them, and I love these Universal surprises! This is FLOW for me!
Even if you’re currently unaware of your Human Design profile, this Musing may resonate with you, since this un-natural call to GTD is truly engrained in our way of operating.
My invitation for you today is to reflect on just how important the destination versus the journey is for you, and what’s one step you can take to reclaim some space in your life for purpose, meaning and joy (while still getting sh**t done!).
Namaste friends!
Human Design is known as the “new astrology” and combines the ancient wisdom of traditional Astrology, the I-Ching, Kabbalah, the Chakra system and Quantum Energy into mapping your unique “design” that liberates your from your “not-self” conditioning, helping you leverage your Strategy and Authority as the catalysts for transformation. It helps you find YOUR WAY so you can enter into the most extraordinary journey that is your life. A Human Design reading is a great way to learn more about your Design.