Keep reading if you’re called to understand and release anything that provides you with a false sense of security!
Part of being a Predictive Astrologer is understanding and working with the timing of life and cycles of self-actualization and growth.
Just a few days ago we welcomed the New Moon in Taurus and Partial Solar Eclipse.
In simple terms, New Moons signify a time to plant new seeds and Eclipses serve to release and wipe away patterns of old so we can truly walk through a new portal of growth for ourselves. Eclipse energy sticks around–it doesn’t just come and go–but it opens the doorway to positive change (which can last up to 6 months).
At the same time, Pluto, the planet of transformation is in retrograde, pushing us to go within and “Re-Everything!” Reflect, Renew, Reevaluate, Release, Rise… you get the picture!
Let’s keep layering!
This New Moon aligned with Uranus, the planet of change and authority, encouraging us to take bold leaps and step into our power.
Finally, with Jupiter (expansion & luck) paired with Venus (love & comfort) in Pisces, this open door can bring us some exciting and lasting change, as well as some yummy Aha moments!
So, what does this all really mean?
Well, it means that NOW is a perfect opportunity energetically to dive into ourselves to reflect upon anything in our lives (personal and professional) that we are holding onto for dear life (thoughts, beliefs, people, places, jobs, addictions, etc.) that provide us with a false sense of security and prevent us from stepping into our power and finding our abundant HOME WITHIN.
Here are questions to ask yourself?
- What do I know I need to release but have been fearful?
- Where have I been resisting change?
- Where do I not feel safe, stable or secure?
- Where can you take more responsibility for your finances?
- Am I holding onto or trying to acquire possessions because I feel they make me whole?
- Am I eating or drinking too much to fill in some feeling of emptiness?
- Am I avoiding exploring sensuality and connection?
- How can I love myself more?
- Where and how can I more fully step into my power?
- Where can I take action where I have been too comfortable?
After reading these questions, what feelings arise for you?
Try journaling with them to see what answers and actions reveal themselves for you.
And, remember, this is all for your greater expansion.
Take advantage of this energy to live more intentionally and take more personal responsibility for trusting yourself and knowing that you are the ultimate healer and leader of your life!
Have a great week!