Hi Friends!
I’m always asked, “How can I trust myself and know that my intuition is supporting me?”
Let’s start with this knowing, that we all have the SPARK of God within us. It doesn’t matter how you define “God”–what matters is that you’re open to understanding that we all came from something powerful and we are always connected to IT.
Without this belief (which many times needs to be cultivated), we may never get to that place of knowing and trust within us.
Without this belief we will continue seeking the answers outside of ourselves, increasing the moments of confusion, doubt and dis-trust in our decisions and impulses.
When we are able to clearly hear our inner selves (or intuition), we are hearing that which is all knowing–that which we can TRUST.
So, when we feel fear, doubt, and other similar emotions, it’s time to pause, get quiet, and connect with the deepest parts of ourselves. It’s the time to ask our inner selves, “What would you say about this situation? What would you do in this moment?”
Supporting ourselves in releasing these emotions and looking within for the TRUTH helps us all strengthen our intuition.
That SPARK within us only knows LOVE. It does not resonate with FEAR.
So, looking at the astrology of this week, and one aspect in particular, we have an opportunity to practice this skill. In fact, we’ll be called to it naturally.
You see, the planet Neptune will begin a period of retrograde on the 28th of June through December 3rd.
Neptune rules the sign of Pisces (which at its core represents the unseen, Christ Consciousness and LOVE), AND it has been traveling through the sign of Pisces for well over a decade now.
In retrograding, Neptune and Pisces energy wants us to go within, to deepen our knowing of this SPARK, so that we can release these fearful emotions that hold us back and have us not trust ourselves–not listen to the wisest parts of our souls. The parts of us that are connected and eternal.
The more we are able to know this part of ourselves, the deeper our intuition becomes and the more we can DREAM our beautiful dreams and trust ourselves to take the right actions that will help us to manifest our dreams.
No sign can dream like Pisces! And no planet can connect with the Divine in ourselves like Pisces.
Take advantage of this time period to gift yourself a natural opportunity to strengthen your intuition, therefore experiencing less fear and more trust in yourself and in your life.
Namaste Friends!
So much love and light,