Today’s a GREAT day for “Seekers on a Path!”
As many of you know, as an Astrologer and lover of the greater meaning of all things in life, I look to specific planetary transits to help us effectively use our energy for good and positive change.
Today, at 10:42 am Jupiter and Neptune joined forces in the sign of Pisces. To put this into context, in traditional Astrology, Jupiter ruled Pisces, and in today’s Astrology, Neptune rules Pisces. No matter how you slice it, It’s like the whole family is together and on a mission!
On a mission toward what you may be asking? Well, that’s up to YOU!
Pisces is considered “Christ Energy” due to its nature to serve others without reciprocity, love others, heal others, and create harmony and peace.
Pisces is also known for its dreamy nature, innovation, creativity, artistry, and psychic abilities and love of mysticism and/or spirituality.
If you know where Pisces falls in your Natal Chart, it can help guide you in being strategic; knowing how to apply astrology practically. (Please reach out if you need help! “-) )
For example, Pisces is in my 10th house of Career, so the big question for me today and through the beginning of May, is “How am I aspiring to reach my highest career aspirations on a solid spiritual foundation?”
The question will be slightly different for you depending upon your Natal Chart.
However, it goes deeper than just the question I posed above. At the core of this union of planets is all of our initiation into our spirituality–however we choose to define it.
If we “work it” it will “work through us.”
Are we willing to assume the responsibility for living conscious lives, no matter how difficult things may feel or become?
Are we willing to nurture and develop our spiritual potential in order thrive (not just survive)?
Those of you who do consider yourselves a Seeker on a Path, know that during this time you may have a mystical awakening, and you may find a deeper commitment to preserving the spiritual integrity of your life.
It’s a great time for us all to keep our motives pure and our hands clean.
And, remember, Pisces and Jupiter energy is light-hearted, joyful and inspirational.
This is a great time to learn, play, create and explore.
I wish you as much fun as I plan to have as a Seeker on my own Path.