Creating a Garden of Strength & Serenity
For a while now I’ve been pondering how and what seeds to plant this year, knowing that the energy of 2023 for me is “Planting Seeds”.
You see, since 2008 I’ve been studying, applying and teaching the 5-element method of living through flow, where we each are born with specific elemental archetypes, and each year we each uniquely cycle through a specific energy archetype. And, for me, (always like clockwork!), in November I began to feel the internal shift toward thinking about the specificity of those seeds, knowing that I only wanted to focus on 1 or 2 seeds. That’s it!
My orchid became a perfect reminder of what was to come, and how each cycle of our life takes time and has a very specific purpose for our personal evolution and growth.
I used to be so impatient with my “green thumb”. I would want to see my orchid bloom immediately, and I would get frustrated when the petals would fall. In fact, I lacked so much trust in the process that I always thought I killed it. Yet, just a few months later I would be overjoyed when I saw the new buds appear.
It’s no coincidence to me (I don’t believe in coincidences) that at this moment only 2 buds have appeared and bloomed–the exact number of “seeds” (aka, projects/priorities) I will be planting this year. That’s right, not 5, 10 or more, just two.
You see, I pride myself in being an example of what I teach Women Leaders day-to-day: the number of goals we have don’t equal how worthy or successful we are. Quite the opposite! In fact, so many of the women I work with fall into the trap of setting so many goals that they fail at almost all of them. This is actually a symptom of not trusting themselves or life!
I believe it’s better and more satisfying to accomplish one thing really well then start too many things and not finish any of them. That’s painful and can be defined as self-sabotage! And, yes, I’ve done this too, which is why I dedicate myself to living in my flow!
It also goes against what’s at the foundation of 5-element theory, and my unique Flow Roadmap™, which helps my clients follow the strategies for the energy of their year and each month in the year, so that they can attain the balance and success they desire and deserve, instead of living in the rat race of life.
If living in balance and flow, and creating a garden of strength and serenity is something you’re called to, you can learn more about the wisdom behind my Flow Roadmap™ here.
This was a workshop I gave this week for my private Facebook group for women: Women Leaders Designing their Sacred & Spiritual Success
And, you can get your very own customized Roadmap here for just $44.
In this ancient science, the new year begins on February 4th, so Happy New Year!!
Let’s get flowing!