I remember reading about the “5 AM Club” and how so many executives were waking up before sunrise to prioritize those things we tend to leave for last or ignore, like exercise, prayer or meditation, and learning or reflection.
I was very drawn to the concept, except that waking up at 5 AM just wasn’t working for me! Have you tried?
If you’ve been following my blogs and work for while, then you know that I practice 5-element wisdom (includes Feng Shui Astrology & Chinese Face Reading), a part of which helps us to recognize the elements within us that drive us and help to keep us operating optimally.
Well, my primary element is Water, and one of the best ways to honor the natural flow of this element is to rise slowly each morning, and even stay in bed longer than most.
So, although I was very driven be a proud member of the 5 AM Club, I decided that I would use its framework and simply create a bit more flexibility around it. By doing this, I would be honoring my “design” and my unique “nature.” In doing so, now for many years, it has allowed me to consistently prioritize myself each day.
I also once took a fun Sleep Test that confirmed what I knew to be true about myself. According to this test I’m a “Bear” and I should be waking up around 7 am. Although that’s not possible for me because I have to take my daughter to school, I have found a reasonable middle ground at 6 am (sometimes 6:30 am) to begin my “Morning ME Process“.
Here’s how I “flexed” the 5 AM Club Framework.
The 5 AM Club suggests using 1 hour each morning to do 20 minutes of body work, 20 minutes of meditation, and 20 minutes of journaling. But, again, because my unique nature needs more flexibility and less structure, each morning I feel into what’s best for me.
What happens most mornings is that I will begin with a 10-15 minute meditation, then continue with a 20-30 minute walk in nature, and finish up with 10-30 minutes of Yoga or Qi Gong. Sometimes my ME time is only 1 hour, and most of the time it’s 90 minutes to 2 hours!
What I know to be true for me is that each morning I need to include connecting with mySELF through moving my body, with SPIRIT through meditation and other spiritual practices, and with NATURE, where I can clear my mind, where my creativity thrives, and where I can connect with the bigger picture of life.
Allowing myself to be flexible about when to wake up and making sure that I always include Self, Spirit and Nature has supported me in truly sticking to putting myself first. And many times, that’s all we need to get into a yummy state of flow!
For people like me, rigid practices eventually fail. But some of you–depending upon your “design”– may actually benefit from more structure and scheduling–like the 5 AM Club suggests.
How do you know what’s best for you?
Well, I’m happy to help you learn more about your nature/design, and you can also give a few frameworks a try to see what what feels best.
Some great folks to also follow who are big believers in Morning Rituals include Tony Robbins, Tim Ferris, Oprah, Gabby Bernstein, Hal Elrod and Dan Millman (Peaceful Warrior).
I’d love to hear about your morning routine! Comment below. “-)